

NEPCON ASIA Granted Status of UFI Approved International Event

亚洲电子生产设备暨微电子工业展览会日前正式通过国际展览业协会(UFI)认证,成为国际性权威品牌展会,并将全新启用含有NEPCON Logo和UFI Approved International Event Logo的新标识。该展会由中国国际贸易促进委员会电子信息行业分会与励展博览集团共同主办,是拥有27年悠久历史的电子制造领域行业盛会!

NEPCON ASIA has recently been granted the status of UFI Approved International Event, establishing it as an exhibition on the international authoritative level. A new logo comprised of the NEPCON and UFI Approved International Event logos will be launched. The exhibition is co-sponsored by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade - Electronics and Information Industry Sub-council and Reed Exhibitions and has a legacy of 27 years in the electronics manufacturing industry.


What is UFI, and where does it Stand in the Convention and Exhibition Industry?


UFI is undoubtedly known to those working in the convention and exhibition industry. However, outsiders and newcomers may not know much about it – let's explore what UFI is.


UFI is the global trade association of the world’s tradeshow organisers and exhibition centre operators, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations, and selected partners of the exhibition industry. UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support the business interests of its members and the exhibition industry. UFI directly represents more than 50,000 exhibition industry employees globally, and also works closely with its 60 national and regional association members. More than 800 member organisations in 83 countries around the world are presently signed up as members. Around 1,000 international trade fairs proudly bear the UFI approved label, a quality guarantee for visitors and exhibitors alike. UFI members continue to provide the international business community with a unique marketing media aimed at developing outstanding face-to-face business opportunities.



How does an Event Become UFI Approved?

UFI认证审核非常严格,如果一个展会要被授予UFI认证,必须接受由UFI制定的软硬指标衡量。UFI将审核展会面积、展会人数、境内外参展商数量等,而这些数据必须由中立的专业机构来提供 ,UFI会对这些中介机构提供的数据进行再审核以确保其真实性。

The auditing process for UFI approval is very rigorous. For an exhibition to become an UFI approved event, it will first be measured by hard and soft metrics developed by UFI. Examples of hard metrics audited by UFI include the exhibition area, level of attendance, number of domestic and foreign exhibitors. These metrics must be measured and provided by neutral specialist agencies. UFI will then audit these metrics to ensure authenticity.


UFI also audits soft metrics such as exhibition service, on-site management, and marketing. UFI believes that a certified exhibition must be at the forefront of the industry and have a considerable impact on these metrics. Therefore, UFI will compare the exhibition applying for approval with other relevant international exhibitions during the audit. The exhibition's partners and sponsors constitute as proof of its influence.


What is the Significance of NEPCON ASIA Obtaining UFI Approval?


The above criteria are only the tip of the iceberg. UFI is relatively cautious and strict regarding exhibition applications. The UFI Approved Event labels are a global stamp of authority for high quality exhibitions. UFI ensures that data results are genuine and reliable by making use of its high level of authority. UFI-approved exhibitions must be authentic and outstanding in all aspects.

因此,此次收入囊中的UFI认证,不仅肯定了NEPCON ASIA电子展名副其实的国际性展会地位,同时也标志着NEPCON ASIA未来将得到更多海外媒体、协会的支持,获得更多与国际市场交流的机会,更为展商及观众提供了一个高度专业的国际化交流平台。

Therefore, gaining the status of "UFI Approved Event" has not only endorsed NEPCON ASIA but also consolidated its position as an exhibition on the international level. It also marks the start of NEPCON ASIA garnering more support from overseas media and associations, gaining more opportunities to communicate with the global market, and providing exhibitors and visitors with a highly professional communication platform on the international level.

强强整合 · 规模翻番 · 蓄势待发

2022年10月12-14日,NEPCON ASIA即将绽放深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)

Double the exhibition area and record the visitor numbers

NEPCON ASIA will be held again at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center between October 12-14, 2022

NEPCON ASIA 2022将以“跨界+芯+智造”为创新理念,展会将汇聚1,200个企业及品牌参展,展示电子元器件、PCBA制程、智能制造、 EMS服务、半导体封测等相关的国内外设备新品及先进技术解决方案。与同期多展联动,超140,000㎡展示规模,带来消费电子、家电、工控、通信通讯、汽车、触控显示、新能源、医疗器械、光电等领域跨界商机,绽放亚洲电子工业新活力。

NEPCON ASIA 2022 focuses on the innovative concept of "Industry Crossover, IC and Intelligent Manufacturing". The exhibition will bring together 1,200 brands and companies to showcase IC, the world's first PCBA products. smart factory, electronic manufacturing services (EMS) and other relevant areas will also be exhibited.

The exhibition will be linked with   several coexhibitions, with a display scale of over 140,000㎡, bringing cross-border business opportunities in the fields of consumer electronics, household electrical appliances, industrial control, wireless communication devices and systems, automotive, touch and display, new energy, medical equipment, optoelectronics, etc., blooming new vitality of the electronics industry in Asia.


Furthermore, more than 30 cross-border and cross-border events will be held, covering such hot topics as PCBA process, semiconductor packaging, industrial robotics, intelligent warehousing and logistics, machine vision, smart factory, industrial internet, laser, 3C, household appliances, communication, automobile, 5G, IoT, AI, AR/VR, new energy, medical equipment, lighting, etc., innovatively creating diversified domestic and foreign business matching social opportunities and capturing Asian cross-border business network in one stop.

目前展位预定和观众预登记火热进行中,欢迎您随时查看官方网站:www.nepconasia.com 了解展会新动态,期待与您在展会中相见!

Booth reservation and visitor pre-registration are currently underway. For the latest trends of the exhibition, visit the official website: www.nepconasia.com. We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition!
